pub fn derivative_glue_and_align<Ensemble, R, Hist, Energy, S, Res>(
    rewls: &[Rewl<Ensemble, R, Hist, Energy, S, Res>]
) -> Result<ReplicaGlued<Hist>, HistErrors>where
    Hist: Histogram + HistogramCombine + HistogramVal<Energy> + Send + Sync + IntervalOrder,
    Energy: PartialOrd,
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Results of the simulation

Used to merge the probability density functions calculated with different REWL.

This is what we do the simulation for!

It uses derivative merging to give you a ReplicaGlued which you can use to write the data into a file. The derivative merged is explained in derivative_merged_log_prob_and_aligned


Fails if the internal histograms (intervals) do not align. Might fail if there is no overlap between neighboring intervals