pub trait Binning<T> {
    // Required methods
    fn get_bin_index<V: Borrow<T>>(&self, val: V) -> Option<usize>;
    fn get_bin_len(&self) -> usize;
    fn bin_iter(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Bin<T>>>;
    fn is_inside<V: Borrow<T>>(&self, val: V) -> bool;
    fn not_inside<V: Borrow<T>>(&self, val: V) -> bool;
    fn first_border(&self) -> T;
    fn last_border(&self) -> T;
    fn last_border_is_inclusive(&self) -> bool;
    fn distance<V: Borrow<T>>(&self, val: V) -> f64;
Expand description

Implements Binning

  • Part of a histogram, but without the capability of counting stuff


  • Currently binning is not used in this lib. But I plan to Refactor the histograms in the next breaking release such that one only has to implement Binning and can create a histogram from that

Required Methods§


fn get_bin_index<V: Borrow<T>>(&self, val: V) -> Option<usize>

convert val to the respective binning index


fn get_bin_len(&self) -> usize

Get the number of underlying bins
  • note: if more than usize::MAX bins are there, usize::MAX is returned

fn bin_iter(&self) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Bin<T>>>

Iterates over all bins
  • Note: Most (currently all) implementations use more efficient representations of the bins underneath, but are capable of returning the bins in this representation on request
  • Also look if the Binning you use implements another method for the bin borders, e.g., single_valued_bin_iter, as that is more efficient

fn is_inside<V: Borrow<T>>(&self, val: V) -> bool

Does a value correspond to a valid bin?


fn not_inside<V: Borrow<T>>(&self, val: V) -> bool

Opposite of is_inside


fn first_border(&self) -> T

get the left most border (inclusive)


fn last_border(&self) -> T

  • get last border from the right
  • Note: this border might be inclusive or exclusive

fn last_border_is_inclusive(&self) -> bool

True if last border is inclusive, false otherwise
  • For most usecases this will return a constant value, as this is likely only dependent on the underlying type and not on something that changes dynamically

fn distance<V: Borrow<T>>(&self, val: V) -> f64

calculates some sort of absolute distance to the nearest valid bin
  • any invalid numbers (like NAN or INFINITY) should have the highest distance possible
  • if a value corresponds to a valid bin, the distance should be zero

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
